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Full Version: Record enable in mixer view
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I would prefer to have the record enable knob option on the mixer top always present, and would not need two-two clicks to see it both when engaging and de-engaging or changing for the edit view to click on it.
And if letting it on to see it covers the plugin space.

Record button should be taken out of the addition options I may use rarely but the record any time. I think the horizontal bar recalling the options may be divided into a normal record knob (there all the time) and the rest bar for recalling options.


I hope it will be changed for the practical in further upgrades
You will find an 'Arm' symbol at the top of mixer, click it & it opens a series of features include Arm, input & select, phase iso & vcas..

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Thank you, but I am asking for getting the record icon out of these series of features and make it a separate always on top button as in previous versions. The other options are great and the about 25 mm horizontal bar can be divided into 5 mm record circle and a 20 mm bar for recalling the other options.
Another option Smile Alt + B and all the recording buttons on the leading edge and good indicators
Thanks Yriisem, great feature and easy, you are life saverSmile
If you look in the settings, then you can discover many more amazing and useful ones for yourself Smile
(03-13-2017, 03:02 PM)Yriisem Wrote: [ -> ]Tassy
If you look in the settings, then you can discover many more amazing and useful ones for yourself Smile

Thaks Yrii, I will check
not sure if it's the case in Win, but whilst on Mixer page, any attentioned channel(s) can be record armed by using ' r ' for Record on the keyboard.
Thanks Dingo, it works on mixer view after track(s) selected