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Full Version: 2 Mono tracks (Overheads) -> 1 stereo channel
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Hi all,

I often get the overheads as mono tracks.
In Nuendo after phase aligning them (i.e. with auto align from soundradix) I route them to a stereo group bus on which I do all the other processing. I would like to do the same in Mixbus but when creating a subgroup for OH.L/R. it is a mono bus. (I used to do this for kik and snare normally which are not stereo).
OK, I could export oh.l/r as a stereo file and re-import that but I like to know if that is the only way to go? I normally like to keep the original file and avoid exporting because it is a extra step (and I have to be careful because auto-align is used as an insert).
Aux bus is not an option because it is not full pdc :-(
How do you handle that?
I'm not familiar with how soundradix works, but here are 2 things you might try:

1) import the 2 files as a stereo track: in the import dialog, select both files. Then in the 'mapping' menu, choose "merge files".

2) import the mono channels, and pan the 2 channels as desired, and assign them to one of the mixbuses; put your additional processing there. This is delay-compensated.
(02-18-2017, 11:17 AM)Ben@Harrison Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not familiar with how soundradix works, but here are 2 things you might try:

1) import the 2 files as a stereo track: in the import dialog, select both files. Then in the 'mapping' menu, choose "merge files".

2) import the mono channels, and pan the 2 channels as desired, and assign them to one of the mixbuses; put your additional processing there. This is delay-compensated.

Hi Ben,

thanx for the immediate reply. I do time- and phase-alignment with AutoAlign. That's why I like to have the individual mono channels. I know of option No 2 you mentionned but I dind't want to use a mixbus for that purpose. So imo the best way in mixbus is to use/insert AutoAlign for my drums tracks, do an export of the drums tracks an reimport them (OH.L and OH.R as one interleaved stereo file).
this also applies to toms if I like to process them all the same way and save procesing power ... for top and tbm snare I could use a subgroup (also for 2 or more kiks) ...
btw. I like "group" tracks and process them in one stereo group because that saves processing power and mixbusses are limited to 12 in mixbus 32c. Think of mixing orchestral stuff - very helpful to group and process groups of instruments then but it sometimes takes more than 12 busses ... :-|
Hopefully one time aux busses will get full pdc ... ;-)
I tried to route 2 mono tracks into a stereo track using the routing grid but mixbus refused to accept more than one input ...