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Full Version: K14 meter snapped
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I am using the Master Mix plugin (said to be formally 'Final Mix' from Mckie some 15 years ago or so) by Tracktion and I noticed they have some problems with their Linux versions. Of this, and their plugins. Rarely, it would emit a loud 'pop' when modifying a parameter.

In this case here it did that, and then Mixbus 32C K14 meter 'snapped' as much as the needle just went to the max and never moved from there ever (until Mixbus was terminated and restarted).

I woudl like to know what is the condition that would provoke this behaviour from the K14 meter. Under which circumstances can it become stuck even though the audio is playing, the master bus VU is moving up and down as usual.

I guess that it's not stuck, just honoring the normal fall-off time from maybe +3000 dBFS; wait a couple of hours Smile I suppose it should be resettable and/or have rails.

Speaking of which: the digital peak meters have rails (internally at +40dBFS) to prevent that.
This brings two questions:

1) How can the application, the plugin, bypass the master fader from the host where the lugin executes to output at what seems max volume and why would that be considered so much over 0dB, actually, how can it be possible to bypass totally the master bus fader and output such a loud noise while still seemingly going though the route of he master bus fader since the K14 meter was affected ? Wouldn't the plugin do an ALSA call or whatever else that's outside Mixbus to emit such a loud noise ?

2) How does the K14 meter work, eg. why would it take a couple of hours to go back to normal ?
