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Full Version: No bug in Mixbus 32C!
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Haha yesterday I opened a session and the Vox wouldn't play... everything looked all right, all other tracks were playing, just that one - silence Sad
Now I have a bug here! So I thought... until I remembered that I had an insert to a zita (autotune) instance in that track and I didn't have zita started before Mixbus. After starting zita and re-connecting all was fine...
So: No bug in 32C! But I might lodge a feature request for a popup when Mixbus can't find external connections and/or the signal flow is therefore interrupted - just for senile old men like me Big Grin

At some point I also thought that it would be nice if stubs could be created for connections where the corresponding jack clients/ports went away or are missing on reload, without having them disconnected explicitly - similar to what is done for missing plugins - so these could then automatically be reconnected if the client or port becomes available again. Might need to discuss with the devs, what could be the best possible solution for that.
Good ones !!

Can i add midi ?
If now a midi cable is disconnected and reconnected : the connections stays lost.
Specifically midi over USB which is common on most midi devices nowadays.
A disaster life playing ...

for the old folks : I have a document i in the session which describes the connections.
and a (doku)wiki page for that.

Mixbus only "scans" for connected devices on startup; so yes, if you disconnect a USB device while in-use, you'd have to relaunch Mixbus with the device connected. In practice this shouldn't really happen much. But it is on our list to improve this in some future version.
(01-04-2017, 11:08 AM)Ben@Harrison Wrote: [ -> ]Mixbus only "scans" for connected devices on startup; so yes, if you disconnect a USB device while in-use, you'd have to relaunch Mixbus with the device connected. In practice this shouldn't really happen much. But it is on our list to improve this in some future version.

Hi Ben

Situation is quit different: Firstly i am referring to Midi over USB.
If one disconnects, the midi port connection is lost.
When one reinserts the USB, the ports come back in the list of available ports, but is not connected to the original instrument.
So i do not have to restart Mixbus for a scan.

Now in the studio it is irritating but not a big deal : Frank we cannot hear you.
But life it is a disaster specially if somebody unplugs the powersource of the USB hub. In my case 6 devices which have multiple connections. If it happens while playing we have running non-stoppable sequences and hanging notes galore.

I have not checked it if the same happens no normal midi connections: That is whay i had not reported before.

I thought a tabel If available connect to device X, Y, ..,
Midi controllers usually connect to more than one tone generator.

I hope it is clear ..

(01-05-2017, 09:54 AM)Frank Wrote: [ -> ]Situation is quit different: Firstly i am referring to Midi over USB.

It affects connections in general - so no real difference, I think.
(01-05-2017, 09:54 AM)Frank Wrote: [ -> ]I thought a tabel If available connect to device X, Y, ..,
Midi controllers usually connect to more than one tone generator.

Isn't that what Carla was developed for? (and the VST you showed me a few days ago?)

(01-05-2017, 01:28 PM)the C.L.A. Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2017, 09:54 AM)Frank Wrote: [ -> ]Situation is quit different: Firstly i am referring to Midi over USB.

It affects connections in general - so no real difference, I think.

True no difference in not connecting: But i was responding to Ben.
Ben stated after loosing midi connection, i have to restart Mixbus to find the midi ports. But that is not the case. After disconnecting and reconnecting the Midi (USB), Mixbus knows the connection is there. One can see in the routing grid.

Should have made a separate post =-= alrough it was all about not connecting

(01-05-2017, 06:39 PM)madmaxmiller Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2017, 09:54 AM)Frank Wrote: [ -> ]I thought a tabel If available connect to device X, Y, ..,
Midi controllers usually connect to more than one tone generator.

Isn't that what Carla was developed for? (and the VST you showed me a few days ago?)


I had to think : VST i showed you ahh : Plogue Bidule a true gem .

Playing live in the before Mixbus Kore from Native Instruments did the trick.
It is/was a VST host modelled after a mixer : with channels, aux sends. FX internal and vast and external. A group of channels could be saved a sound.
It had a database of sounds one could click a sound and everythiing loaded : The instrument, the FX the connection. wonderfull.
It only worked on one core, but i could trick it to have multiple instances. The whole band played over it : each having their own instance. Guitarrist straight in to Guitarrig.
I would still have used it if NI did not abandon it.

They replaced it with Mashine which has some features but not all : is usefull as a seuencer and event / drumpad.

Carla is great in a Jack environment splendid for the Jack connections : Patchbay. Midi has been primitive : maybe i should check it out again. At the time i only got one Midi device

I also patch Instruments together in Reaktor. But highest level there is the ensemble. Insert as a plug in or connect via Jack.

Then I have VIP : great : VST host with a database of sounds. can have 8 layers and FX. and is a plugins as well

Recent Add: Plogue Bidule. as a concept it looks closest like Reaktor, except for modules it accepts VST and AU, great for making stand alones fron VSTi. and one can make setups.

When i started to use Mixbus as a instrument mixer, plugin handling was not so good and midi ahem. so all Instruments were external. worked great.
But a hassel to set up: do not for get to start an instrument : connect Jack, connect midi

From version 3 something I moved the instruments inside. Much faster setup now start the proper instance of Mixbus all is loaded. Connect the midi. Go !

Now all is well: except when someone rewires a power cable, or i have to rewire an usb cable: somebody knock over my pedal. Midi is lost for a moment. Mixbus disconnects, but does not reconnect.
One has to search for which channel : know which midi device it had. etc.

Some think : ahh is one of Franks weird sounds again...


PS the piece you heard was in Mixbus 3, 3 instruments in channels, ( grandpiano only used to synch delay times - Ping => ping ping ping, two additive synths,) and a Mikes in channels,
and 4 FX in busses. RC48 reverb, two delays, my formant reverb construction.