Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Any ultra basic tutorial vids out there?
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Tried watching the Harrison vids, but they assume you already know your way around Mixbus. I'm coming from 10 years of Ableton Live, and in MB I can't even see how you view the vertical channel strips at this point!

I'm grabbing the manual which should help, but if you know of any 101 level vids that would rock!

Also, is there a better way to specify a directory for my sessions. it simply dumps them in the root directory of a selected HD which is lame. I want to make folder G:Mixbus/projects

As is, the only option I have is G: and it just dumps stuff there unless I'm missing something?

YouTube has other videos besides the ones from Harrison. Using the search at YouTube for "harrison mixbus" I got these:








An important one to watch:


A playlist with interesting items:


(05-03-2014, 10:46 AM)Schmidi Wrote: [ -> ]Tried watching the Harrison vids, but they assume you already know your way around Mixbus. I'm coming from 10 years of Ableton Live, and in MB I can't even see how you view the vertical channel strips at this point!

I'm grabbing the manual which should help, but if you know of any 101 level vids that would rock!

Also, is there a better way to specify a directory for my sessions. it simply dumps them in the root directory of a selected HD which is lame. I want to make folder G:Mixbus/projects

As is, the only option I have is G: and it just dumps stuff there unless I'm missing something?

(05-03-2014, 10:46 AM)Schmidi Wrote: [ -> ]in MB I can't even see how you view the vertical channel strips at this point!

I'm grabbing the manual which should help, but if you know of any 101 level vids that would rock!

Also, is there a better way to specify a directory for my sessions. it simply dumps them in the root directory of a selected HD which is lame. I want to make folder G:Mixbus/projects

As is, the only option I have is G: and it just dumps stuff there unless I'm missing something?

Hi Schmidi

the way the channels and busses are connected are to be found in the manual. The diagram is straightforward.

Take that as a base: one can create inputs, inserts and sends from many points in the channel and buses though.

When you start Mixbus you have to decide what type of session you want.
When you start select New session. Than you can decide which folder you want the session to be saved in.

Create templates when you have the hang of it: and select the proper template on a new session. One can predefine a lot in a template, to get a good starting point.