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Full Version: Control Key Selection of Clips
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A fellow Mixbus user and good friend called me earlier and said he thought he had found a bug in Mixbus 3.6. He ask me to try to recreate it, and I was easily able to. Here is the description:

When using the ctl key to select multiple clips, Mixbus copies them "automatically" in both versions. In 3.6, it seems to always do it regardless. However, in 3.7, it only occurs when selecting 6 or more clips. Then it will copy the first four of them under the main clips. However, it does seem a bit random in nature, especially in 3.7.

To test this, slice a track up into multiple clips. Control select them, then drag them to another track. You will see copies of those clips left behind on the track.

In 3.6, it seems to do it no matter how many clips are selected.
In 3.7, it only does it when selecting 6 or more clips, then it copies the first 4. If I release the control key, then select more, it works as expected.

Please try to reproduce this behavior and report your results.
Has anybody else been able to recreate this possible bug?