Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: There sound some "glitches" when I solo a Buss
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I have problems with the Busses.
When I solo just one or two busses that have one o more plugins on it, there sound some glitches.
When I sound all the mix, this glitches disappear.
What could be wrong?
(11-08-2016, 04:31 PM)Claveprod Wrote: [ -> ]I have problems with the Busses.
When I solo just one or two busses that have one o more plugins on it, there sound some glitches.
When I sound all the mix, this glitches disappear.
What could be wrong?

I have had these same problems - are you on a mac? I know other mac users have had this same issue. This problem disappeared for me with 3.7
Which version are you running?
OSX 10.9.4