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Full Version: Gverb Presets?
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Am I missing something? I cant find a way to store presets of my own for Gverb (or the 3d delay for that matter)
Seems a crazy and frustrating omission
Harrison plugins do not have a save preset option so far, as I know
Right click the Gverb plugin strip and select 'Edit With Generic Controls'. You can save (add) presets there.

There's no integration of these with the main gui though, so you need to use the generic one for loading your extra presets too.
Thanks Domino, I did not know about this way of saving presets
(10-13-2016, 10:48 AM)Domino Wrote: [ -> ]Right click the Gverb plugin strip and select 'Edit With Generic Controls'. You can save (add) presets there.

There's no integration of these with the main gui though, so you need to use the generic one for loading your extra presets too.

Fantastic thank you!
You can also drag the plugin into the "Favorites" area in the mixer-list ( on the left side of the mixer window ).
See this video around 1:30 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZXgQOVIJL8
Or you use the "Favorite plugins" window. http://www.harrisonconsoles.com/mixbus/m...q=favorite

(11-07-2016, 08:33 AM)Ben@Harrison Wrote: [ -> ]Smile

Haha, you beat me Ben! Big Grin