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Full Version: 32c, 24 tracks, audio dropouts/ glitching.
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I`m mixing for 2 hours everything works great, I use five Uad plugins.
then the dropouts starts.Angry. just every 15-20 seconds.
Hey, it`s 24 tracks????!!!! not many eq`s or busses (3/4)
is this a multiprocessor problem?
What`s going on?
(07-14-2016, 05:52 AM)vind Wrote: [ -> ]I`m mixing for 2 hours everything works great, I use five Uad plugins.
then the dropouts starts.Angry. just every 15-20 seconds.
Hey, it`s 24 tracks????!!!! not many eq`s or busses (3/4)
is this a multiprocessor problem?
What`s going on?

Just a guess, is there a plugin you are using that isn't licensed? It has happened to me a couple of times when I was using a demo that ran out or I needed to restart my computer because of some weird internal software glitch.
Thanks SteveK!
Yes, I'm demoing Eventide H910 (uad and Eventide) not sure they are in this prosject, I will find out.
So Mixbus doesn't like demo plugins?
(07-14-2016, 07:03 AM)vind Wrote: [ -> ]So Mixbus doesn't like demo plugins?

LOL why is everybody seeking the fault in Mixbus?
Some demos cause dropouts in order to not let you do serious work with them before you have purchased them. That happens no matter which DAW you insert them to.

UAD plugins, for one thing, are already installed and the demos are full-functioning for the trial period, so I don't understand how the "fault" would lie on UA's platform. I use the H910 often and I haven't had an issue with any UAD plugins, probably because those plugins aren't powered by my computer and there shouldn't be a CPU hit to Mixbus... UNLESS there is a bad host issue. I also use Reaper, Logic and Ableton and I don't have any issues with the UAD stuff.

That is why people are seeking fault in Mixbus, because they cannot replicate the glitch in other DAW's.
(07-14-2016, 09:27 PM)Darth Kazi Wrote: [ -> ]...and the demos are full-functioning for the trial period...

Steve suggested it could be a demo which expired... not even necessarily UAD.
(certainly no plugin expert, never needed a lot nor the latest and greatest and whatnot... that's what I love in Mixbus)
I removed uad plugins, and used native plugins, just to get the job done.
I worked great.
In Logic I can install and use a lot of au plugins and they work 99% of the time.
Some crash logic but an update fixes it.
In Mixbus I try to avoid plugs and I don't need so many, in fact it's like having a analog studio with some outboard gear.Smile
From UAD control panel if you disable DSP loadLock sometimes not always you might experience drop out if you bypass UAD plugin. I have experienced that one on fairchild once. Removed the bypassed one from the DAW and it went ok.
Well, I tried to use the newest version of Logic Pro X and it required a "plugin scan" that results in it crashing every single time when it scans UAD. I have to abort the scan to use Logic now. This is an interesting problem...
What that never happen on my PC I had only one two plugins which didn't pass one Solina from Arturia and the other is from Nomad factory

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