Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Clicking on midi track
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Sounds like a cycle hum with a click on each cycle happening whenever a midi instrument is sustaining. it's only while there is audio too, when the sustain on the instrument dies, it stops clicking. It also seems to appear when recording, but I can most find it when playing software midi.

this is not a hum/click that is coming from hardware as far as I can tell. In the sample I have I am clicking the software midi instruments in Mixbus virtual keyboard and recording straight from master out--->track within mixbus. So the sound is generated and recorded all through mixbus and jack.


i have a sample sound if anyone is interested.


Not just on Midi. If I turn playback up load enough it will start doing the clicking as well. let me be clear, it's not clipping unless it's somewhere in the stage I cannot see.

Gonna open a ticket.
Which distrib do you use? Does it also happen with alsa? Do you have x-runs?
I've tried Fedora and Ubuntu thus far. I will get the occasional xrun, this is not that. It happens anytime audio is over a certain threshold and is playing within Mixbus.

Also, I am using the Alsa driver for my firewire card. I can do no jack and try just alsa and see!