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Is it possible to mute a punch in/out range in order to practice before recording ?

No, but that's a cool idea.

Easiest solution is to delete the unwanted audio in that section, so you won't hear it while you are playing the solo or whatever.

Or you can punch in for those practices takes, and then click "Transport->stop and forget capture" to completely remove the take from your hard drive after each practice run.

Thanks. The option seems OK, although it'd be much easier to simply mute, practice a bit several times in a row, unmute, check what that original note was, mute, practice some more, then record. All without clicking on some option for each iteration (although I reckon it's surely assignable to a key).
I tend to make this "mistake" as well: I practice, practice, practice, then hit record, and the result is that any recorded version ends up worse than the last practice pass.

Solution: Simply record every time!

If you make a mistake or the pass clearly isn't good enough just use "Transport -> Stop and Forget Capture" after your practice pass. This function even has a shortcut assigned by default. And it doesn't cost you anything as the files are removed from disk immediately when using this function.

Or if you want to review the last pass first, you could still use "Edit -> Remove Last Capture" after that, wich removes the files of the last capture as well.