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Full Version: 'Save as...' should use directory default
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Got bitten a few times so I thought I'll drop a line about this.

When quickly saving a session under another name, the directory default is not the same as the one in the preferences. It's the home directory (on Linux at least). Now it might be arguable that since the user wants to save it under another name, might as well be anywhere on the same machine. I'd be curious about the use cases. I'd wager that most of the time it is to save under another name in the same directory as defined in the configuration.

Another point is that the directory is really not something that is thought about in using Mixbus (and Ardour). It is set once, most likely in a partition with a few hundreds gigabytes free space, and that's it. When creating new sessions one never thinks about where. And then bam, when saving under another name, the directory is not the same.

If you think it makes sense.... Dodgy

(01-17-2016, 12:16 PM)jonetsu Wrote: [ -> ]Got bitten a few times so I thought I'll drop a line about this.

When quickly saving a session under another name, the directory default is not the same as the one in the preferences. It's the home directory (on Linux at least).

Hi Jonetsu

same on OSX , windows not checked.

and setting the new directory in the save as dialogue is not remembered between saves : should be as set in preferences

Kind regards

I agree; I put it on our list to address.