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Hi everyone,

It's been a while since the last time I was here, but now with the release of v3 I would like to ask a question:

- How's the integration of v3 with control surfaces? I remember not being able to use my old Alphatrack with the previous versions of Mixbus. I tried with a Mackie controller a while ago and it was working, but a little buggy (sometimes it didn't recognize the controller).

Any news on this front with v3? I ditched both the Alphatrack (it died on me, twice) and the Mackie (too big) and I'm about to get a Presonus Faderport.

Anyone using the Faderport with v3 successfully?

No one?
It was our intent to ship Mixbus v3.0 with expanded control surface support.

At the last minute, we found some problems that precluded us from including control-surface support in the 3.0 launch.

We hope to re-enable the control surfaces in the very near future and yes, we intend to expand the control-surface support to work with HUI (and therefore the Presonus, which we have here for testing ).

We don't know for sure when those features will launch, but they are very high on our priority list, and they will be part of a free update.

(07-13-2015, 12:33 PM)Ben@Harrison Wrote: [ -> ]It was our intent to ship Mixbus v3.0 with expanded control surface support.

At the last minute, we found some problems that precluded us from including control-surface support in the 3.0 launch.

We hope to re-enable the control surfaces in the very near future and yes, we intend to expand the control-surface support to work with HUI (and therefore the Presonus, which we have here for testing ).

We don't know for sure when those features will launch, but they are very high on our priority list, and they will be part of a free update.


Just curious, is Harrison also testing with an actual Mackie Hui? I know they are ancient, but mine still rocks.

We have several devices with a HUI mode ( including a Mackie MCU Pro, a Faderport, and our own consoles ). But not an original "HUI".
So will the fader port work when you re enable the control surface support? That would be awesome if so. I got one to hold me over in pro tools until v3 got here, and you released your own controller. That's still the "master plan". But if I could use the fader port until then, that would be fantastic. Smile
Hi Ben,
Long time no speak!
That is good to hear.
I'll dump my old, big and broken Mackie HUI and go for the Presonus.
Since I'm still 99% on Reaper, I'll figure it out what happens when MB3 supports it.
(07-23-2015, 12:57 PM)Support@Harrison Wrote: [ -> ]We have several devices with a HUI mode ( including a Mackie MCU Pro, a Faderport, and our own consoles ). But not an original "HUI".

Any chance that I might be able to use the faders, etc. on a digi002 console in the future? I hate to junk it (recently bought a rarely used mint one to replace my old fried one). I would love to ditch my old ProTools 7.1 setup. Since Avid has left many users with Digi002 consoles out in the cold, this might be a valid unit to support, if it is possible.
I was curious if Mixbus 3 would support the Nektar Panorama P1? If anyone knows the answer I would appreciate knowing. Thanks!

EDIT: I went ahead and bought this controller as I was told it would work if Mixbus supported Mackie Control (which I believe it does). Here is to easier mixing...

I have a Digidesign Command8, which supports a MIDI "Stand Alone" mode that can be used in conjunction with other DAWs. For example, I have been able to successfully set it up to control Logic 9.

I understand that support for control surfaces is disabled in v3, but that prior versions supported MIDI learning mode. Since there doesn't seem to be a published time table for the release of this feature, are v3 license holders entitled to the backlevel version? (I believe it would be v2.5 that I would need.)

I'd really like to use the control surface I have, and would prefer to use it with Mixbus because I think it sounds terrific, but at the same time, it's inconvenient for me to not be able to use my control surface, so I'm stuck on Pro Tools.

(I should also ask, has anyone else had success with the prior version of Mixbus and a Command 8 in standalone mode?)

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