Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Multiband compressor "upgrade"
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I've received the mail about the MBC upgrade. I had bought it from Harrison pre-SSL. Apart from the M1 support and iLok, what is the new stuff ?
I'm a legitimate user of the softwares I use but I don't use iLok and don't intend to. If there are new features, is there a way for previous buyers to authorize the upgrade without iLok ?
No answer for you, but a question on a similar note: I believe that Spectral Compressor (SC) is one of the default plugins that come with 32c. So, do I need to worry about the new SC plugin getting loaded (as I believe that 32c/Ardour looks for the newest lv2), and presenting a license conflict with my old pre-iLok license? I don't intend to follow the iLok route. I accept the fact that I will probably be locked out of future upgrades. Thanks!
old plugin is XT-SC (the one that comes with mixbus) then the old Harrison is AVA-SC, the new SSL/Harrison that requires the ilok is Harrison_MPCSpectralCompressor (the last two you would have to install seperate from the mixbus install, all can be used at the same time.
or at least that is the way it seams to work for me?
The XT plugins will not be iLoked.  If you don't need M1 support for Mac computers and aren't using Pro Tools then you don't need to upgrade unless you want to.