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Another good news for the Linux community, after Presonux announced Linux support:


Focusrite will support the development of (already well working) Linux drivers for their devices.
Good news..... as a Focusrite i18/20 user very happy that Linux is in the room Smile
A good thing. I look forward to when RME can do the same. Their tools and Totalmix FX would be great for Linux.

Harrison has been a kind of pioneer here as well. And it may be that the work has not been wasted. It could be an interesting era ahead.
(10-16-2023, 06:12 AM)Sojuzstudio Wrote: [ -> ]A good thing. I look forward to when RME can do the same. Their tools and Totalmix FX would be great for Linux.

Harrison has been a kind of pioneer here as well. And it may be that the work has not been wasted. It could be an interesting era ahead.

Well there are rumours that Microsoft themselves soon can't be bothered to develop and maintain a full OS platform (aka "Windows") for basically a web browser, after they have their cash cow in the 365 cloud which sucks everyone in using the same mechanism like SAP - "my business partner is on 365 so I have to be, too, to communicate efficiently". This cloud including MS Office programs, Outlook, Teams etc run completely fine in any browser.
That will leave just AppleOS - and a whole heap of non-Apple hardware which needs a basic OS. So a Linux Microsoft distro is not so surreal anymore, and manufacturers seem to see the shadows on the wall, too.

(10-27-2023, 08:56 PM)madmaxmiller Wrote: [ -> ]Well there are rumours that Microsoft themselves soon can't be bothered  to develop and maintain a full OS platform (aka "Windows") for basically a web browser, after they have their cash cow in the 365 cloud which sucks everyone in using the same mechanism like SAP - "my business partner is on 365 so I have to be, too, to communicate efficiently". This cloud including MS Office programs, Outlook, Teams etc run completely fine in any browser.
That will leave just AppleOS - and a whole heap of non-Apple hardware which needs a basic OS. So a Linux Microsoft distro is not so surreal anymore, and manufacturers seem to see the shadows on the wall, too.


The entire 365 thing is a trap/nightmare it has to be the worst email client in history.

My sister got pushed into using it because the Government Department she worked for insisted that everyone had to use it - even though she was a consultant using her own system.

Whilst researching my Father's military service the Defence Department have sent me Windows Bitlocker encoded USB sticks and the only way I can open them is to trek out to a local library and sit in a long queue waiting to get access.

Also unbelievable that the Australian Government is signing a deal with Microsoft to provide the entire security blanket for Australia's Governmental / Internet /website security. That smacks of madness to me... from what I see Windows is like a Swiss cheese - holes all over the place.

I have extricated myself from every Windows / MS Office / Adobe package and am very happy with Open offerings like Libre Office and GIMP.

Happy with macOS at the moment - but "mənē mənē təqēl ūp̄arsīn" Max I may be asking for your help soon to migrate to Linux Smile
(10-27-2023, 09:53 PM)Dingo Wrote: [ -> ]The entire 365 thing is a trap/nightmare...

Haha I have to administrate this and when you look behind the user interface it's far worse... that tangled mess of Sharepoint, Teams and Onedrive  is hell already - atm we are merging it with another pile of 365 sh*t in a merger. This is worse than hell.
If MS pull the plug on Australia tomorrow, all big companies will collapse, and governments, too. There is no plan B because there is no alternative vendor, and only very few companies have their data local and accessible these days.

(10-27-2023, 09:53 PM)Dingo Wrote: [ -> ]Happy with macOS at the moment - but "mənē mənē təqēl ūp̄arsīn"  Max I may be asking for your help soon to migrate to Linux Smile

Anytime, Ian.  Cool

(10-27-2023, 08:56 PM)madmaxmiller Wrote: [ -> ]So a Linux Microsoft distro is not so surreal anymore, and manufacturers seem to see the shadows on the wall, too.
I've been predicting for some time, and not wholly in jest, that MS will buy Canonical in the near future.

(10-27-2023, 09:53 PM)Dingo Wrote: [ -> ]Also unbelievable that the Australian Government is signing a deal with Microsoft to provide the entire security blanket for Australia's Governmental / Internet /website security. That smacks of madness to me...
Putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse. Sad Rolleyes 

Focusrite indeed seems to be warming to Linux. On the Linux Musicians forum a user/developer called geoffrey has put a lot of work into drivers and support software. A recent crowdfund to acquire and develop for more devices was so successful it caught Focusrite's attention and they responded by supplying a number of other devices to help with the development effort.