Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Mixbusses automation lanes in edit view
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Hi all,

is there any option I oversee to show the automation lanes of the 12 mixbuses in the edit view, so that one could adjust automations via drawing some lines? If not this could be moved to feature request..

(07-14-2023, 03:51 AM)arthie Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all,

is there any option I oversee to show the automation lanes of the 12 mixbuses in the edit view, so that one could adjust automations via drawing some lines? If not this could be moved to feature request..


Hi Arne,

sure, you need to do following since Mixbuses are hidden in the editor window by default:

1. go to edit pageĀ 
2. press shift+l (view > show editor list)
3. tick 'V' (V stands for visible) checkbox for the mixbus you want to see in editor
4. you should see new track in editor window and you can automate as regular trackĀ 

I hope that helps!
thanks very much.. and it is quite obvious, too... how could I not have seen it?