Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Ozone 10 glitching Mixbus 8.2.154
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While using izotope Ozone 10 with Mixbus 32C v8.2.15, if you try to move any setting on ozone it sets it to the lowest setting like something has control of the mouse and also when you scan audio for mastering it glitches to all values down witch results in no audibleĀ sound but puts out a huge outputĀ . I have tried with v8.2.66 and do not get this issue and it is a first. please fix as I can not use this new update. Also is anyone else having these issues

Tried to add a video with NVIDIA capture but i cant add link, there is big issues with that too and mixbus
The very latest build, 8.2.170, fixes this kind of thing. FabFilter Pro Q was behaving the same way and it works in this new build.