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Full Version: Extra Editor pane
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At the RHS of my Mixbus editor I sometimes see an extra pane that shows things like the Region list / Tracks & Busses / Sources etc and I've closed it in quite a few sessions. But I can never remember how to get it back again. Can some kind soul remind me..?
(01-16-2022, 06:00 AM)johne53 Wrote: [ -> ]At the RHS of my Mixbus editor I sometimes see an extra pane that shows things like the Region list / Tracks & Busses / Sources etc and I've closed it in quite a few sessions. But I can never remember how to get it back again. Can some kind soul remind me..?

Shift + L
(01-16-2022, 07:44 AM)eyal Wrote: [ -> ]Shift + L

That's it eyal - many thanks !!