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Full Version: loop playback issues
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When I activate loop it’s seems too turn off the pdc and my tracks are all over the place. 

When I return to normal playback, everything plays in sync on time. 

My setup is 4x Apollo’s
Running at 96k 
Windows 10
What version of Mixbus are you running
(08-09-2021, 09:19 PM)Dingo Wrote: [ -> ]What version of Mixbus are you running

Running 7.1. 7.0 did the same also.
(08-09-2021, 07:32 PM)patrick_ Wrote: [ -> ]When I activate loop it’s seems too turn off the pdc

Mixbus is turning off your primary domain controller ??  

[Edit...]  Big Grin That was a joke by the way - what does PDC really stand for..  Huh
(08-09-2021, 07:32 PM)if patrick_ Wrote: [ -> ]When I activate loop it’s seems too turn off the pdc and my tracks are all over the place. 

When I return to normal playback, everything plays in sync on time. 

Same here - plugin delay compensation (pdc) seems to be off in loop mode at least for hardware inserts (outboard gear) and triggered virtual instruments (like bfd3 or slate trigger2). Even the channel itself (with the send to the vsti) goes out of sync. This is really annoying and has also been the case in V6. I am also experiencing less stabiltity with bigger projects and esp. when integrating external gear via inserts. Mixbus gets sluggish as hell, doens't stop playback ... sometimes there's no chance but to kill mixbus 32c (V. 7.1.97) by using the task manager (win 10 pro). No such problems in my other daws (Nuendo, Reaper). Digging a little bit more into Reaper atm and I have to admint it's rock solid and FAST! Wish I could say this about Mixbus ...
(btw: my main pc is optimized for audio, firewall and anti-virus software turned off; buffersize 2048).
Just my 2c