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Region bounces not working
Neither pre nor post mixer. The only thing that happens is that the beachball shows for some seconds. Am I alone with this?
Mac Pro 5,1 | 6x 3,4Ghz | 48GB | OS X 10.14  | Macbook Pro M1 | 16GB | OS X 14.4 | Metric Halo 2882 3d
If you select a Region, then select "Bounce without Processing" from the Region menu, then a new region will appear in the region list. It will have the gain and fade-in/out changes of the original region. I just tried it; works here.

Perhaps instead you wanted to "Consolidate"? To do that, select a range with the Range tool, and then right-click on the selected range and choose "Consolidate" (or choose Consolidate from the Edit menu). That will combine all the selected regions into a single contiguous region, applying all the region gain and fade-in/outs.
Actually i wanted to bounce with channel plug ins in order to get rid of the waves voc rider to then adjust some parts.
I try again in a minute with another song. This one was 48khz.
Mac Pro 5,1 | 6x 3,4Ghz | 48GB | OS X 10.14  | Macbook Pro M1 | 16GB | OS X 14.4 | Metric Halo 2882 3d
Mixbus doesn't provide a built-in method to bounce tracks in-place with processing. It is impractical because we want the channelstrip EQ, compressor, and bussing to remain "live".

The only way to bounce with processing is to send the output of track A to the input of track B, and record it.

There is a new region but it is empty. I have to solo it, export the session and reimport it.

What is "Bounce post Mixer" then? Only set faders?
Mac Pro 5,1 | 6x 3,4Ghz | 48GB | OS X 10.14  | Macbook Pro M1 | 16GB | OS X 14.4 | Metric Halo 2882 3d
Hi Stephan, where do you see the "Bounce post mixer" option? I don't think it's supposed to be there.
It's the german version of "Bounce with processing"

[Image: Jjla]


Note to self (and those who might be interested):

The best way to bounce a track with channel inserts is to use "Export Audiofile" from Project Menu. There you can choose the channel that you want to export and it renders everything from channel output post fader, no matter on which bus it is routed. I you want to export through the bus outputs, simply select the mixbus instead of the channel.

The Stem Export does not export the channel inserts.
Mac Pro 5,1 | 6x 3,4Ghz | 48GB | OS X 10.14  | Macbook Pro M1 | 16GB | OS X 14.4 | Metric Halo 2882 3d

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